วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 25 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

How to Get Rosy White Skin

How to get white skin?

Now, I know this is probably going to sound dumb to a lot of people, but I am not comfortable in the skin I am in, literally. My absent father is a light skinned Jamaican and my mother is a ghostly white red headed and freckled woman of Irish decent. She is married to a man who is equally pale and has three children who are very white too. I do not really fit in with my family in mentality or appearance, and I am very tired of being asked by strangers and friends if I am adopted. I am not very dark, however my skin is naturally a light caramel color. I wish to be VERY white. Paleness is a better match for my highly Caucasian features (thin lips, blue eyes) and I simply feel better when I'm paler. I have used skin lightening creams but I never reach the ultimate white-as-a-sheet paleness that I desire. I need something a lot stronger (stronger then lemon juice milk or flour). Please do not tell me that I am fine the way I am, because no amount of therapy and what not will make me feel how I feel on the inside or how I look with my family. So please, I am BEGGING you. Please help me WHITEN, not lighten, my skin! Thank you so much!!

How to make skin white (the homemade way) please click it's very important?

ok i have a relative that wants white skin. we live in a white community is there a homeade way? no one wants to buy it b/c people in the stores are gonna like "wtf?" so i was wondering if there is a homeade way plz be very specific. on t.v. there are lots of racists remarks on usually comedy shows and mature cartoons. also this relativeve of mine has a mom w/ lighter skin. and this relativeve also is always mistaken for being spanish although she has dark skin she also has long hair. she really wants this badly. plz i'm very serious. there was also a school we wanted to take her to but there's lots of Caucasiansns. plz nobody say that she's pretty, or god made you beautiful, etc. cause that makes me upset that i can't find answers and it also makes my family member upset. she also doesn't even believe in god in the first place b/c she thinks god hates her for making her dark. she also gets offendeded at many stores so she doesn't' want to go outside. please. i. am. begging. you. if you don't help now, she may commit suicide. p.s.therapy and physiologistst didn't work.

Natural Remedies for Paler Skin:
1) Milk Facial – Used by former Miss Korea Son Tae Young
  1. Mix flour and milk together in a two-to-one ratio. i.e. if you use 2 tablespoons of flour, mix this with 1 tablespoon of milk
  2. Cut out a piece of gauze large enough to fit your face (with holes for the eyes and mouth)
  3. Spread the ‘milk facial’ evenly over the gauze, and place on your face for 15 minutes
  4. Rinse off
Tip: if you don’t have the time to do this, you can try a milk ‘toner’ instead. Steps: 1) soak a cotton pad with milk, 2) wipe your face with the cotton pad, 3) leave on for 10 minutes or until your face is no longer wet to touch. 4) Rinse off.

2) Yogurt mask
Yogurt masks may sound weird, but they actually do work. Why? because yogurt contains probiotics (active cultures) which are effective for soothing skin irritations and acne. The lactic acid in yogurt also helps to get rid of dead skin cells and shrink pores.
If a yogurt mask is used for a long period of time, it will subtly lighten and even out your skin tone.

A tablespoon of yoghurt should be enough to cover your entire face. Spread the yogurt evenly on your face with a cotton pad or an old foundation brush (don’t your fingers!). Leave it on for 10-20 minutes until the mask has dried. Rinse off with warm water.
Although there are no limits on the type of yogurt you can use, I would recommend one with a thicker texture, simply to avoid dripping and mess.

 3) Shade

Remember those weird Asians who carry umbrellas on a perfectly sunny day. Well, you’re now going to become one of them. Shade is your friend on the quest for whiter skin.
4) Rice water
Washing your face with rice water can make your skin whiter and more transparent. This is because rice contains antioxidants which protect our skin from the sun.
Rice water is made by soaking uncooked rice with..well…water. It is the same process as washing your rice before you cook it; except, instead of tipping the water down the drain, you’re going to use it to wash your face.

Note that the above remedies work best if you have pre-cleansed your skin. And always remember to moisturise after the treatments.
Skincare products:
Skincare products that claim to whiten your skin can often be frustrating to use because the results are often temporary, or non-existent. However, I have yet to encounter one that’s made my skin darker haha (so nothing to lose right?).
1) Sunscreen
This one might seem obvious but it hardly seems to be mentioned in relation to whitening. Choose a good sunscreen that is SPF 30+ because this will block out 97% of the suns rays; especially those nasty UVA rays which darken the skin. However there is no need to go overboard and pay extra for an SPF 50+ sunscreen, because this provides only 1% more protection than SPF 30+.
 2) Masks

There are some really great masks out there for both whitening and brightening the skin. Masks tend to have an immediate effect on your complexion because they are soaked in serum, giving your skin instant hydration. However, whether or not they have any lasting benefits is contentious. Two Asian brands you should check out are My Beauty Diary and Silk Whitia.
3) Exfoliation
Exfoliation can immediately brighten the skin and create the illusion of whiter skin because it removes dead skin cells. You should try to exfoliate no more than twice a week.
If you have sensitive skin, I would recommend a peeling scrub. Two of the best peeling scrubs out there are Laneige’s Multiberry peeling pack (Korean) and Cure Natural Aqua Gel(Japanese). I’ll quickly demonstrate how each of these work.
Below is Laneige’s Multiberry Peeling Pack on my hands. You apply it on dry skin and rub it until dead skin comes off (pic 3). Cure Aqua gel works exactly the same way.
 Below is My Beauty Diary’s Vanilla Souffle Face Scrub (China). It is similar to Laneige and Cure, but the formula is foamy as oppose to gel-like.

If your skin is a bit tougher, then a sugar scrub or a granulated scrub is the way to go. However, tough skin doesn’t mean that you should damage it with the harshest scrub available.
The scrubs below are in order of most rough to least rough. I’ll briefly explain the differences:
  • Sugar scrubs - are the most harsh on your skin because of the size of the sugar granules. I would recommend using these only once a week. Because sugar is a natural exfoliator your skin will feel super smooth and literally glow afterwards. In the picture is Skinfood’s Black Sugar Mask Wash Off.
  • Gel scrubs - contain small micro particles and well as larger ones (although no where near the size of sugar scrubs). Because they are a gel formula, they can often be drying on your skin. In the picture is Tony Moly’s EggPore Blackhead Out Oil Gel
  • Cream scrubs - similar to gel scrubs but they are much less drying. In the picture is Shiseido Pure Deep Cleansing Foam.
  • 4) Serums
    Hmm….this post seems to be getting too long….maybe I should stop here haha. Basically what you need to bear in mind is that serums are often on the expensive side. You pay a lot for very little and opinions on their effectiveness are divided. Personally, I don’t really see the need for serums until a later stage in life.
    If you want more info about the brands mentioned or where you can get them, shoot us an email, or comment below!